Something About Me

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Johor, Malaysia
Que sera sera whatever will be will be...what can i say about me?....let see..ehmm...i guess you have to find out yourself let be friend shall we? i am the kinda person who value friendship very much ...a true fren for me is like a gem rare to find but precious to let go...together i hope we will find out the true and beautiful meaning of friendship.....have a pleasant viewing of my blog, everyone

Sunday, February 8, 2009


The days when i was in my primary were spend at a teeny meeny little town named Ulu Tiram (Ulu Tiram has since developed into a relatively big town in Johor) ...that was where my dad was posted...being a government servant one would have to expect being transferable to everywhere and anywhere...and ulu tiram was really "ulu" at that time...quiet and being a townfolk of coz my mum was not too excited and keen to stay there (though she had no choice in the circumstances as my dad was the sole breadwinner) ...but we the kids (the four of us) ..we sort of settling down very nicely...

My two elder brothers had their activities to keep them bz ...they would frequent the small river near the small health centre (where we resided) and had their fun there ....but as for me and my youngest brother (the river is no no for us as far as my mum is concerned) we cheerfully created our own ...we would make our own kites from the bamboo sticks and the colourful papers we bought from the "apek" store (the one and only grocery store ever existed hehehe) out from our creativity and "wild imagination" (do we have tons of it ...wau bulan, ikan, tiger's head or our fav cartoon characters ...u named it hehehehe)..and my dad being a good sport as he always have been, would lend his hand appropriately to make it happens ..hey it didnt actually matter to us whether the kites were flyable or not ..the art of "do it urself" thing was already appealing to us...guess kids are easily contented those days hehehe tell that to my nieces n nephews and they definitelywould freak out

Well....anyway....wh­en it was all done, we would proudly march to the big padang beside the health centre with all our friends tagging along. It was really a big open padang and the winds was fantastic...there we­ would test our so called creation and hard works...­metimes the kites would fly sometimes it would not .. but who cares? wiz winds blowing into our faces, our excited friends jumping up and down and gathered around us "the hero and heroin" of the day, innocent cheerful faces, the cheers when the kites flies, the boos when it didnt was enough to make our world go round ....

but you wanna know something? at the end of it all... my brother and me would merely lie down on the ground of the padang looking at the skies above us and watch the let loose kites going up and up and up into the blue skies ...out of our sight and that my frens i tell you ....was blissfully heaven ...CHEERS

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